First, multiply each side of the equation by #color(red)(3)/color(blue)(2)# to solve for #p# while keeping the equation balanced:
#color(red)(3)/color(blue)(2) xx 2/3p = color(red)(3)/color(blue)(2) xx -22#
#cancel(color(red)(3))/cancel(color(blue)(2)) xx color(blue)(cancel(color(black)(2)))/color(red)(cancel(color(black)(3)))p = -66/color(blue)(2)#
#p = -33#
To verify the solution, substitute #color(red)(-33)# for #color(red)(p)# in the original equation and calculate the left side of the equation to ensure it equals #-22#:
#2/3color(red)(p) = -22# becomes:
#2/3 xx color(red)(-33) = -22#
#-66/3 = -22#
#-22 = -22#
Because both sides of the equation calculate to #-22# the solution for #p# is verified to be #-33#.