Question #fd4b1
1 Answer
Here's what's going on here.
I think that you're referring to a problem Tyler solved in one of his YouTube videos. The problem starts at the 8:03 minute mark.
The idea here is that the average atomic mass of an element is calculated by taking the weighted average of the atomic masses of its stable isotopes.
Now, weighted average means that each isotope contributes to the average atomic mass in proportion to its abundance.
In this case, lithium is said to have two stable isotopes. Right from the start, you can say that the percent abundances of the two isotopes must add up to give
This is equivalent to saying that their decimal abundances, which are simply the percent abundances divided by
Why is that the case?
Because lithium has only two stable isotopes, which implies that there are only two isotopes that contribute to its average atomic mass.
So if we take
decimal abundance 6Li x +decimal abundance 7Li 1−x =1
Now, the average atomic mass for lithium will be equal to
avg. atomic mass Li=atomic mass.6Li×decimal abundance.6Li+atomic mass.7Li×decimal abundance.7Li
Since you know that lithium has an average atomic mass of
You would then go on to solve this equation to get
This is the decimal abundance of
To convert these to percent abundances, multiply them by
For 6Li: 0.075⋅100%=7.5%
For 7Li: 0.925⋅100%=92.5%