Use Newton's Method to solve the equation? #lnx+e^x=0#
2 Answers
See below.
According to Taylor expansion for
Now supposing that
This gives rise to an iterative approximation procedure
In this case we have
We have:
# f(x) = lnx+e^x #
Our aim is to solve
graph{ln(x)+e^x [-5, 5, -10, 10]}
We can see that there is one solution in the interval
To find the solution numerically, using Newton-Rhapson method we use the following iterative sequence
# { (x_1,=1), ( x_(n+1), = x_n - f(x_n)/(f'(x_n)) ) :} #
Therefore we need the derivative:
# \ \ \ \ \ \ \f(x) = lnx+e^x #
# :. f'(x) = 1/x+e^x #
Then using excel working to 10dp we can tabulate the iterations as follows:
We could equally use a modern scientific graphing calculator as most new calculators have an " Ans " button that allows the last calculated result to be used as the input of an iterated expression.
And we conclude that we have very rapid convergence, and the solution is