What are differences between #"Mohr's salt"#, and #"green vitriol"#?

1 Answer
Apr 19, 2017

Well, #"green vitriol"# is #Fe(SO)_4#, an iron(II) salt.........


And #"Mohr's salt"# is #(NH_4)_2[Fe(SO_4)_2] *6H_2O#.

And so in the solid state, they are different formulations.......and have different coordination geometry.

In solution, however, for both species, we LIKELY have #[Fe(OH_2)_6]^(2+)# as the dominant iron species in solution. The sulfate and ammonium counterions are along for the ride. There is possibly some literature on this, which is likely informed by #"UV-vis spectrometry"#.