What is the approximate area of a circle with the radius of 1.5 ?

2 Answers
Apr 24, 2017



Area of a circle is #pi r^2#.

We're given the radius. Plug it into the formula:

#pi (1.5)^2=2.25pi#

That's the area of #1# circle we have four circles. So multiply this by #4#"

#2.25pi (4)=9pi#

Apr 25, 2017

Further comment


There are a set of 'special' numbers that crop up all over the place and are very useful. One of them is #pi#

#pi# is the number you get if you divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter. So in effect it is a ratio. It also occurs a lot in nature.

This is what is called an irrational number. This is just a name! An irrational number is one that that has decimal values that go on for ever without any repeats. I just did a quick search and found a listing of 100,000 digits. Part of which is:

75105820974944592307816406286 ....

The dots at the end mean that the digits go on a lot further.

Go back enough in time and it used to be taught that an approximation of this value is #22/7# this works out to be 3.142857...

Comparing #22/7# to 3.141562... you will observe that it starts to be different at the 3rd decimal place.

As against #22/7# a more precise approximation of #pi# is 3.142 which is rounded to 3 decimal places
It all depends on how precise an approximation you require. It could be argued that just the value of 3 is also an approximation.

Hope this helps

By the way: when you round a decimal it is good practice to state the number of decimal places it is rounded to. That way it indicates the potential error that creeps into the calculation.