Why is sunlight essential to life on Earth?

2 Answers

Average temperature in universe is minus 270 degree c,.


If Sun was not giving heat and light Earth will be almost at the same temperature..All food we eat is produced by Photosynthesis for which Sun light is essential...

Apr 27, 2017
  • Sunlight is essential to life on earth .


  • Without sunlight , our earth would be nothing but a frozen giant ball at such a lower temperature in space.
  • Without sun , the sunlight which is a source of energy will get vanish .
  • Moreover , the water will get freeze . And we know one can live without food for a week but cannot without water .
  • Plants produce their food by photosynthesis , and we feed on plants as we are heterotropic in nature. Without sunlight , we will starve to die in absence of food.