Question #c2abb

2 Answers
May 11, 2017

It was stronger and helped substain the arms race better than in the Soviet Union


The Cold War was based partly on the arms race between the Soviet Union and the USA. The USA had a much stronger economy than the Soviet Union which allowed it to be more efficient in the arms race.

May 12, 2017

The Soviet economy was weaker and did not have the support of the people while the US economy in contrast did.


The Communistic economy of the Soviet Union was not working. The socialistic markets of the Soviet Union could not support both an expensive military and a reasonable quality of life for the Soviet people. The Russia people became increasingly unhappy with the Soviet economy and pushed for reform.

At the same time the Empire that the Soviet's had created in Eastern Europe were pushing for independence. Poland, The Cech. Republic broke from the strict control of the Soviets. As these Eastern European countries contributed less to the economy of the Soviet economy the pressures on the Central Communistic political apparatus grew greater.

The people of East Germany wanted to be part of the much more prosperous West Germany economy. The trade between the US and West Germany made the democratic west a more desirable place to live.

The Soviets unable to win either the military or the economic aspects of the Cold War, the Cold War ended with the dissolving of the strict communistic United Soviet States, ( USSR) The Western Democratic (Capitalistic) economy of the US had won the cold war.