How do you round 65.145 meters to 4 significant figures?

1 Answer
May 20, 2017

#ul6 ul5.ul1 ul5#


Step 1. Underline the first four numbers (4 significant figures)
#ul6 ul5. ul1 ul4 5#

Step 2. Round up or down based on the 5th value
#ul6 ul5. ul1 ul4 color(red)(5)#

Rules for rounding:
- If the next number is 5 or more, round up
- If the next number is 4 or less, round down
- Non significant figures all become zero
- If the final, non-significant numbers are to the right of the decimal, then delete these final numbers

Step 3. Round up and turn the last digit(s) to zero. If the final, non-significant numbers are to the right of the decimal, then delete them all together.
#ul6 ul5.ul1 ul5#