Question #d6159

1 Answer
Jun 12, 2017

There is no way one can find the exact value of velocity at t=2 without drawing the tangent line at the desired point.


At the best one can find an approximate value of velocity at t=2 by enlarging the portion of graph between t=2 and t=3. Say 10xx. Must have corresponding value of distance to plot enlarged part of graph. Then starting from t=2 and t=3,2.9,2.8,2.7 .....,2.1 we calculate "rise"/"run" for each interval. As t approaches t=2, (for t=2.1) we get a good approximate value of velocity at t=2.
Notice that value obtained for "rise"/"run" is -ve. Matches well with the angle tangents make with x-axis, which is >90^@ but <180^@.


Alternative method.

We need to find kinematic expression represented by the given graph.

Let it be

s(t)=s_0+ut+1/2at^2 ......(1)

To ascertain three unknown. We are required to have three equations. Choosing three points where both sand t are in whole numbers.

  1. At t=0, (1) becomes
    From the graph s(0)=25m. Hence,
    s_0=25m .......(2)
  2. At t=4, (1) becomes
    Again from the given graph
    =>a=-0.5(1+u) .......(3)
    1. At t=6, (1) becomes
      Again from the given graph
      Using (3) we get
      =>u=0ms^-1 .......(4)
      Inserting this value in (3) we get
      a=-0.5ms^-2 .........(5)

Using (2), (4) and (5) equation (1) becomes
s(t)=25-0.25t^2 .....(6)
Graph can be represented as this equation.

We know that velocity v=(ds)/dt
To find out velocity, either we differentiate (6) with respect to time t and evaluate the expression at t=2.
Or we may use the following kinematic expression


Using (4) and (5), above equation becomes
v(t)=-0.5t and therefore


If you like you may verify equation (6) for other points on the graph. For example