How would you correctly write these numbers in standard form? (a) #6,370,000# #m# (b) #0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,911# #kg# (c) #300,000,000# #ms^-1#

1 Answer
Jun 17, 2017

#a) 6.37 xx 10^6# m
#b) 9.11 xx 10^-31# kg
#c) 3.0 xx 10^8# m/s


I assume by standard form you are referring to scientific notation? Both terms are used.

In standard form you need to have the number given in the form

#a xx 10^n# where

#a# is a number such that #1 <= a <10 " " and n " is an integer"#

This means that for #a# you have a number with one digit before the decimal point, multiplied by a power of #10#

Count how many places the point is moved:
If the number is greater than 1, the index of 10 is positive.
If the number is less than 1, the index of 10 is negative.

#a) 6color(red)(,370,000.) = 6.37xx 10^color(red)(6)#m

#b)0color(blue)(.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,9)11 #
#= 9.11 xx 10^-color(blue)(31)# kg

#c) 3color(red)(00,000,000) = 3.0 xx 10^color(red)(8)# m/s