The sum of the squares of two consecutive natural numbers is #365#. What are the two numbers?

2 Answers
Jun 18, 2017

#n = 13#


Making the equation

#365 = n^2+(n+1)^2# and solving for #n# we obtain

#n = -14# and #n = 13# so we follow with #n = 13#

Jun 18, 2017

There are two solutions: #(13 and 14)# and #(-14 and -13)#, however negative numbers are not 'natural numbers', so the solution is #13# and #14#.


Call the first number #n#, then the next consecutive number will be #n+1#. We will have:




Collecting like terms:


Subtract 365 from each side to get a quadratic equation in standard #ax^2+bx+c=0# form:


There are a number of ways of solving quadratic equations, but my favourite is the quadratic formula:



The possibilities for #n# are #-14# or #13#.

This is intriguing: let's not dismiss the negative numbers too quickly, because remember, we are squaring them. Let's test 13 first:


Now let's check #-14#:

#-14^2+ -13^2=365#

There really are two sets of answers, but as noted above, the term 'natural numbers' does not include negative numbers, so only one of them answers the question asked.