What is one good thing and one bad thing that resulted from the Crusades?

1 Answer
Jun 22, 2017

Greek literature and science came to Europe stimulating the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Protestant Reformation Good.
Conflict between Islam and Western Europe, continuing to this day. Bad


The Crusades brought Greek literature back to Europe. This created a renewed interest in the ancient art of Greece and Rome. The art of the Renaissance not only changed art it change society, helping to end the dark ages of the Medieval period.

The Crusades brought the Greek Bible back to Europe. Reading the Bible in the original Greek exposed Europe to a different view of theology. The Greek Bible was the foundation of the Protestant Reformation. This created a desire for individual freedom politically as well as religiously.

The Crusades brought back the writings of the Greek and Roman scientists. This created a renewed interest in science in Europe. Combined with the freedom created by the Protestant Reformation this renewed interest in science resulted in the Scientific Revolution.

The Crusades created bitterness toward Christianity and Western Europe by the Islamic World. This bitterness continues to this day.