In what natural cycles do convection currents occur?

1 Answer
Jun 30, 2017

The two largest natural cycles where convection currents occur are the movement of air in the atmosphere and the movement of magma in the earth's mantle.


In the case of the air, the convection current is induced in a substance in the gaseous state, while in the mantle, the molten rock flow is a substance in a plastic state (between liquid and solid).

The convection currents in the atmosphere, tempered by the topology and temperatures of the landmasses over which they pass give us our variations in weather. These convection currents can cause storms, tornados, hurricanes, and cyclones.

The convection currents in the earth's mantle determine the characteristics of the landmasses on which we live. These convection currents can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, and changing landscapes.

The definition of convection current is here: