Question #5f1e9

2 Answers
Jul 30, 2017

The time in hours is #1.80# hours.

The time in hours and minutes is #1# hour and #48# min.


Convert #22 1/2%# to its decimal form.

#22 1/2%=22.5/100=0.225#

Time in Hours

Multiply #8# hours by the decimal form of #22 1/2%#.

#"8 h"xx0.225="1.80 h"#

Time in Hours and Minutes


Since there are #60# minutes in an hour, you can subtract #60# minutes from #108# minutes to get the time in hours and minutes.

#"108 min"-"60 min"=48"min"#

The total time in hours and minutes is #1# hour and #48# min.

Jul 30, 2017

1.80 hours


We know you work 8hrs per day, but 22.5% of that is your break time.
To change the percentage to hour we do this
#= 8/100#

#= 0.08#

#= 0.08 xx 22.5#

#= 1.80#hrs or 1hr and 48min