If one of the factors of #6x^2+ 11x +3# is #2x +3#, what is the other factor?

1 Answer
Aug 7, 2017

You know that the other factor is of the form:


Because, if it were #(ax-b)#, there would be at least one minus sign in the product.

You know that the first terms multiplied together must equal 6:

#2a = 6#

#a = 3#

Similarly, we know that last terms multiplied together must equal 3:

#3b = 3#

#b = 1#

Therefore, other factor is #3x+1#


#(3x+1)(2x+3) = 6x^2+9x+2x+3#

#(3x+1)(2x+3) = 6x^2+11x+3#

This checks.