The speed 1 km/sec is equal to _____ mm/microsecond ?
A) 0.001
B) 10
C) 1
D) 100
I want to know the steps .. please
A) 0.001
B) 10
C) 1
D) 100
I want to know the steps .. please
2 Answers
We're asked to convert
We can use dimensional analysis; using conversion factors to convert from one unit to the next and canceling units as we go. The process is as follows:
We'll be converting from kilometers (
1(cancel("km"))/(cancel("s"))overbrace(((10^6color(white)(l)"mm")/(1cancel("km"))))^(10^6color(white)(l)"mm in each km")underbrace(((1cancel("s"))/(10^6color(white)(l)mu"s")))_(10^6color(white)(l)mu"s in each s") = color(red)(ulbar(|stackrel(" ")(" "1color(white)(l)"mm/"mu"s"" ")|)
Therefore, option (C) is the correct answer.
1 mm/microsecond
The method I learned for unit conversion is to multiply by 1 in such a way that the existing unit is canceled and the desired unit survives.
The principle is to make use of the fact that
Note: There are 2 fractions, both shown to be equal to 1, because you will have to choose which way is needed for the cancellation to work the way you need it to work.
This is the conversion from km/s to mm/microseconds:
I hope this helps,