Question #5c9ea

1 Answer
Aug 23, 2017

-50color(white)(l)"km/h"color(white)(l)hati - 50color(white)(l)"km/h"color(white)(l)hatj


First, let's find the components of the initial velocity when it was traveling upward:

  • v_(0x) = 0 (motion is solely along y-axis)

  • v_(0y) = 50 "km/h"

A 90^"o" left turn means that it would now be traveling in the negative x-direction (i.e. west ) with the same speed of 50 "km.h". The final velocity components are thus

  • v_(1x) = -50 "km/h"

  • v_(1y) = 0 (motion is now solely horizontal)

The change in velocity Deltavecv is

color(red)(Deltavecv) = overbrace(vecv_1)^"final velocity" - overbrace(vecv_0)^"initial velocity" = (-50color(white)(l)"km/h"color(white)(l)hati + 0hatj) - (0hati + 50color(white)(l)"km/h"color(white)(l)hatj)

= color(red)(ulbar(|stackrel(" ")(" "-50color(white)(l)"km/h"color(white)(l)hati - 50color(white)(l)"km/h"color(white)(l)hatj" ")|)