A typical sugar cube has an edge length of #1.0 cm#. If you had a cubical box that contained #3.5 "mol"# of sugar cubes, what would its edge length be? (One mole = #6.02 × 10^23# units.)?

1 Answer
Aug 31, 2017

The side length of the box will be #1.282xx10^8# #cm# or #128.2# #km#.


The total number of sugar cubes will be #3.5xx6.02xx10^23=2.107xx10^24#. Since each sugar cube has a volume of #1# #cm^3#, the total volume will be #2.107xx10^24# #cm^3#.

The volume of a cube is given by #V=l^3# where #l# is the side length.

#=1.282xx10^8# #cm#
#=1.282xx10^5# #m#
#= 128.2# #km#.