How do you simplify #\frac { 78} { 182}#?

1 Answer
Sep 9, 2017





We can find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers like this:

  • Divide the larger number by the smaller to give a quotient and remainder.

  • If the remainder is #0# then the smaller number is the GCF.

  • Otherwise repeat with the smaller number and the remainder.

So in our example, given #182# and #78#...

#182/78 = 2" "# with remainder #26#

#78/26 = 3" "# with remainder #0#

So the GCF of #182# and #78# is #26# and:

#78/182 = (color(red)(cancel(color(black)(26)))*3)/(color(red)(cancel(color(black)(26)))*7) = 3/7#