If the speed of light is #3.0# #times# #10^8# #m##/##s#, and the distance from the Sun to Earth is about #1.5 times 10^11# #m#, how long does it take sunshine to reach Earth?

1 Answer
Sep 10, 2017

The time is about 500 s.


Speed is #"distance"/(time)#, so after a bit of algebra we can see that,

#time = "distance"/"speed"#

Plugging in the data

#time = (1.5*10^11 m)/(3.0*10^8 m/s)#

Cancelling and simplifying,
#time = (1.5*10^3 cancel(m))/(3.0 cancel(m)/s) = 0.5*10^3 s ~= 500 s#

I hope this helps,