What are the 4 types of sentences?

2 Answers
Sep 10, 2017

The four types of sentences are declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogative.


A declarative sentence is a sentence that creates a statement.


"My teacher is the best teacher ever."

"I have a little brother."


An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that, well, exclaims, or shows strong emotions such as surprise.


"Yay! I just got a dog!"

"I just graduated high school!"


An imperative sentence is a sentence that commands.


"Take me to the grocery store."

"Give me the TV remote."


Lastly, an interrogative sentence is basically a question.


"Can you take me to the library?"

"When is her birthday party?"


I hope this helps. :)

Sep 10, 2017

The four types of sentences are the declarative, imperative, exclamatory and (last but not least,) the interrogative sentences~


Did any of you wonder if they were different kinds in sentences, too? Well, you can find the answer right here!

Quick Review: A sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. A sentence is made out of two parts-the subject and predicate. The subject tells who are what it (the sentence) is about and the predicate tells us something about the subject!

These are the #color(purple)("4 Types of Sentences")#!:

#color(purple)("Declarative")#: Makes a statement and ends with a period.
#color(black)("Ex.")# The dog walked out of the house.

#color(purple)("Imperative")#: Expresses a command or request and also ends with a period.
#color(black)("Ex.")# Do your homework.

#color(purple)("Exclamatory")#: Shows excitement or strong feeling(s) and ends with an exclamation point (!).
#color(black)("Ex.")# That's so cool!

#color(purple)("Interrogative")#: Asks a question and ends with a question mark (?).
#color(black)("Ex.")# Are you feeling cold, sweetheart?

I hope that really helps all who need it! If you find out a way to memorize these, please help others, too by commenting down there! Thank you! My source is my Hake Grammar books and my mind!