What are the two distinct circulatory loops in our body?

1 Answer
Sep 11, 2017

The loops are PULMONARY and SYSTEMIC. http://moodle2.rockyview.ab.ca/pluginfile.php/64167/mod_book/chapter/25532/biology_20/images/m8/004_heart_pump.gif


The two circulatory loops are connected to heart and are involved in gas exchange.

  • Pulmonary loop helps in unloading of carbondioxide in lungs, where the blood receives oxygen supply.
  • Systemic loop helps in distribution of oxygen in rest of the body, and collects carbondioxide in return.


  • Deoxygenated blood from body returns to right side of heart, from where it is pumped to lungs.
  • Oxygenated blood from lungs returns to left side of heart, from where it is pumped to body.


Heart receives blood from both loops in atria. Heart pumps blood in the loops via ventricles. As both the loops are associated with gas exchange, there are capillaries connecting arteries with respective veins.