Given a face-centred unit cell as shown... Given a face-centred cubic cell as shown for an element, how many atoms does the unit cell contain?

1 Answer
Sep 17, 2017

Are there not 4 atoms per unit cell?


Each vertex of the cube shares #1/8# of an atom, and thus 1 atom from the 8 vertices; each face of the cube shares #1/2# an atom, and 3 atoms from the 6 faces. And thus 4 atoms per unit cell in total.....

And so if the volume of a sphere is #V#, thus each unit cell has #4V# with respect to occupied volume. And the cube length is #a#, hence the cubic volume is #a^3#.

And so occupied volume is #(4V)/a^3#, i.e. #" option a"#......

It has been a long time since I had to do this sort of stuff. But remember all I did was to consider the 8 vertices and 6 faces of the cube. Your inorganic text will tell you this definitively in the section on crystal packing and structure.