Would the Milankovitch cycle account for the changes we are seeing on this planet and are now attributed to global warming caused by man's impact on this planet?

1 Answer
Oct 5, 2017

I think the answer is clear, but I've answered a very similar question before and got quite a sharp (in my view incorrect) response from someone who had different views. Here goes ...


Whilst there is some evidence of Milankovitch cycles having a slight effect on climate, as would be expected, there is clearly not a body of evidence to support this proposition. Were that to be the case the dominant cycle in climate would have a 26,000 year period. It doesn't.

There is ample, well explained evidence for increasing global concentrations of carbon dioxide since the industrial revolution began. The correlation between rising CO_2 and global temperatures is very strong, and as there is clear theoretical motivation for the two effect being causitative, I think we are justified in concluding that it is predominantly human impact that is causing climate change.

I understand people can interpret the same data sets differently, that is their prerogative. It just seems odd that it becomes an article of faith with some.