I'm getting ready to write a letter so that I can pursue my interest in cybersecurity, and I need some ideas. I'm hoping one of you professional Socratic people can help. Help please?

1 Answer

See below for ideas:


It's difficult to answer your question without knowing what it is you are writing, to whom you are writing it, and to what effect you are writing. Beyond that, the contributors here at Socratic are not professionals but are volunteers who answer questions to the best of their ability.

All that said, I think I can tease out that you:

  • are interested in the field of cybersecurity
  • are introducing yourself to someone
  • and I'll make a leap here and say it's some sort of cover letter or bio for a college application.

Everything that follows will be based on the assumptions above.

I have found that when writing something of this sort (essentially telling your story to someone in order to achieve a goal - whether that's acceptance into a school, trying to land a sale, and many other scenarios), it's best to paint a bit of a picture. Draw someone into your world, your interest, and then tell them about how you are working towards goals, etc. So for instance, I might write:

Cybersecurity has been a passion of mine from an early age. My first interest came from when my father's computer was hacked and his identity stolen when I was 9 years old - old enough to recognize that thieves didn't have to break into your house in order to steal your things. And today, it can be seen that the need for cybersecurity is on the rise - mass thefts of personal information are becoming more and more common and, indeed, an election in the United States might well have been stolen by cyberthievery.

It has become my focus and indeed my passion to learn all I can about cybersecurity so that I can apply it and help make the world a more secure place, and hopefully a better one too. My learning has come from various sources: high school classes, workshops, PUT MORE THINGS IN HERE, INCLUDING THE FACT OF WORKING KNOWLEDGE WITH THE VARIOUS SOFTWARE PLATFORMS, ETC. One notable project I did was FILL IN HERE. Doing that project gave me a sense of accomplishment because FILL IN REASON HERE.

It's my dream to enter NAME OF UNIVERSITY to both learn what I can from the faculty and to share what I know with my fellow students.

And of course add what you need, delete what you don't, and customize to make it yours.

I hope this helps and if I am right on your applying to a university, good luck!