We wish to select 6 persons from 8, but if the person A is chosen ,then B mist be chosen.In how many ways can the selection be made?

1 Answer



Let's first see that, without the selection limitation, we'd be picking 6 people from a group of 8 with no attention paid to the order in which the picks are made. This is a combination question, the general formula is:

#C_(n,k)=(n!)/((k!)(n-k)!)# with #n="population", k="picks"#


And so that is our limit on the answer - any answer we find bigger than 28 can't possibly be right.

Now to the question.

Let's see that if A is chosen, then B must also be chosen. If A is not chosen, B can still be chosen. So let's figure this out in two parts - where A is chosen and where A is not chosen.

A not chosen

When A is not chosen, we're picking 6 people from a group of 7:


A chosen

When A is chosen, B must be chosen too. Since we're calculating a scenario where we know A is chosen and that B will also be a part of the group, there are 6 people left who can be chosen into the 4 remaining spots:


Putting it together

We can now add the two scenarios together:
