For what value(s) of m is the line y=mx+6 tangent to the circle x²+y²=9?

1 Answer
Oct 14, 2017

sqrt(3) and -sqrt(3)



I highly recommend you visualize the equations on a graph - it is very helpful to do so. Imagine the function, y=mx+6 and your circle equation, x^2+y^2=9, as a circle with diameter 3. So, the two solutions for the line y=mx+6 will look something like the orange lines shown in the picture above.

An interesting property of tangent lines is that a line drawn from the point of intersection to the circle's center is always perpendicular to the tangent line.

A way to approach this problem is to exploit this property of perpendicular tangency. Now, originally, I wanted to solve this problem using purely just the equations, however, it became really complex.

However, I realized that this can be done with a bit of simple geometry and a touch of trigonometry, here's how:

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Refer to the above diagram. The line segments AB and AC are really the two solutions. Therefore, our main objective is to solve for the lengths of the segments AO and BO; the slopes would be +-(AO)/(BO).

Here's what we know:

AO=6, OP=3, AB_|_OP and AO_|_BO

Let's start:


I use degrees instead of radians here.

:./_AOP=60° as cos(60)=1/2



where /_POB=90-/_AOP=30 and OP=3



Since slopes are +-(AO)/(BO) where AO=6 and BO=2sqrt(3)


Therefore the values of m such that y=mx+6 is tangent to x^2+y^2=9 are sqrt(3) and -sqrt(3).

But wait there's more

Remember how I said there was an algebraic way to do it? And that it's overly complicated? Here it is (no diagrams):

Any point on this circle can be expressed in polar coordinates:
(r, theta) where r is the radius and theta is the degrees offset from the x axis.
Therefore any point on the circle can be rewritten as: (3, theta).

A tangent line on the circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn from the point of intersection. Let theta represent the degrees offset of the radius, therefore the radius can be written as this function:

Then we need to write a function describing the tangent line:

where b=y+cot(theta)x for a given point (x, y)

We know that f(x) and g(x) must intersect the circle at (3, theta), but these are polar coordinates. To get the cartesian coordinates, we use:
y=rsintheta and x=rcostheta

We plug it in to find b:


Thus g(x)=-cot(theta)x+3sintheta+3costheta*cottheta

This will give us a tangent line to the circle. However, we have restraints, and that is b=6 (recall the question y=mx+b rewritten as g(x)=mx+b ).

So solve for theta in rsintheta+rcostheta*cottheta=6 and we get, in radians this time:
pi/6 and 5/6pi between [0, 2pi)

We plug it back into -cot(theta) to give us the slopes.

Told you it was overly complex.