Let V=#RR^3# and W={(x,y,z)|x,y,z #in# #QQ#}. Is W#<=#V? Justify your answer.

So far, I wrote:
1. (0,0,0)#in#W
2.#alpha#,#beta# #in# W
#alpha#=(x,y,z) #beta#=(x',y'z')
so #alpha + beta in W#
3. c #in RR#, #alpha in W#
so c#alpha in W#

Hence, W #<=#V

1 Answer
Oct 22, 2017

It looks like you are trying to show that #W# is a subspace of the vector space #V=RR^{3}#, which it is not (when the scalars field is #RR#). Your mistake is that if #c# is irrational, and #x,y,z\in QQ# are nonzero, then #cx#, #cy#, and #cz# will be irrational as well.


If you restricted yourself to showing that #W# is a subgroup of the additive group #V=RR^{3}#, then your first two steps are sufficient.

For vector (linear) spaces, the problem is with the scalar multiplication. Since #c# is an arbitrary real number, it could be irrational, which would prevent closure with respect to scalar multiplication.

On the other hand, if your field of scalars was #QQ# rather than #RR#, then #W# would be a subspace of #V# since #c# would have to be a rational number.