What is phenolphthalein alkalinity? How is it related to the hydroxide and carbonate levels in water?

1 Answer
Oct 22, 2017

See below.



Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids.

Alkalinity in water is caused primarily to the presence of carbonate, hydrogen carbonate, and hydroxide ions.

Phenolphthalein alkalinity

Phenolphthalein alkalinity is a specific category of alkalinity.

It is determined by titrating to pH 8.3 (where phenolphthalein changes colour).

If you are titrating #"OH"^"-"# with a strong acid, the titration curve looks like this.


Thus, all of the #"OH"^"-"# is neutralized at the phenolphthalein endpoint·

If you are titrating #"CO"_3^"2-"# with a strong acid, the titration curve looks like this.


Since #"CO"_3^"2-"# is dibasic, only half of it is neutralized at the phenolphthalein endpoint.

Thus, phenolphthalein alkalinity gives the total hydroxide and half the carbonate level.