How do you solve #0.3z - 0.03= - 0.08z#?

1 Answer
Nov 13, 2017



Don't like too many calculations involving decimals so lets get rid of them.

Multiply everything in both sides of the = by 100


Add #color(red)(8z)# to both sides (moves it to the LHS)

#color(green)(30z-3=-8z color(white)("ddd")->color(white)("ddd")30zcolor(red)(+8z)-3=-8z color(red)(+8z) )#


Add #color(red)(3)# to both sides (moves it to the RHS)

#color(green)(38z-3=0color(white)("dddddd") ->color(white)("ddd")38z-3 color(red)(+3)color(white)("d") =color(white)("d")0color(red)(+3)#


Multiply both sides by #color(red)(1/38)# (moves the 38 to the RHS)

#color(green)(38zcolor(white)("d")=color(white)("dd")3color(white)("dddddd")->color(white)("dddd")30/color(red)(38) zcolor(white)("d")=color(white)("d")3/color(red)(38)#

But #38/38# is the same as 1 and #1xxz# is just #z#


By calculator #LHS ("left hand side") =RHS ("right hand side")#