How do you order these fractions: #4/5, 1/2, 9/10 and 3/4# from least to greatest?
1 Answer
First, we need to make all of their denominators the same. We do this by finding the 'LCD', or Lowest Common Denominator. This means the lowest number that all of these numbers multiply to.
20 is the LCD since they all multiply to it.
Let's look at
So we multiply the whole fraction by
And we do the same thing for the other fractions:
So we multiply the whole fraction by
Now that we've got our fractions all with denominators of 20, let's list them out again.
Let's just focus on the numerators now, and list them out from least to greatest.
We can see that
So the fractions from least to greatest is
We should now put them back into their original form before they were multiplied to the LCD.
So the least to greatest is
If you still need help with ordering fractions from least to greatest, feel free to watch this video:
Hope this helps!