Question #f6df8

1 Answer
Dec 4, 2017

It would take Marilyn and Jack 2 hours to mow the lawn together.


To find out how much time it would take for Jack and Marilyn to mow the lawn together, it is necessary for you to understand how much work each person individually completes hourly . To do this simply make two fractions representing Jack's and Marilyn's work. Assume that the number of hours it takes for them to finish is simply T. The sampled fraction should be #1/T#.

Therefore, Jack's work would be #1/3#
Marilyn's work would be #1/6#

Then, you want to add the two fractions that represent for Jack's work and Marilyn's work to determine how much they can do or finish together in an hour
#=># #1/3# + #1/6# = #1/2#

#=>#Now that you have your fraction, you can make one equation to find how much time it will take for Marilyn and Jack to finish mowing the lawn together .

Let's choose a variable first and foremost. For this example, I will use t to represent for how long they take to do the job together.

So, they can do:
#=># #1/t# per hour

This gives me an expression for their combined hourly work rate. So what I can do is set these two expressions equal:
#1/t# = #1/2#

I can solve using direct variation or flipping the equations. I will use flipping the equations method this time only for demonstration purposes:
#t/1# = #2/1#

#=># #t = 2 hours#

Since t stands for how long Marilyn and Jack mow their lawn together, it would take Marilyn and Jack 2 hours to mow the lawn together .