How do you write a polynomial in standard form, then classify it by degree and number of terms x-6x^2x−6x2?
1 Answer
Jan 16, 2018
This is a quadratic binomial.
To write this in standard form, put the terms in descending order of powers of
The term of highest degree is
Here are the names of polynomials of the first few degrees:
11 - Linear
22 - Quadratic
33 - Cubic
44 - Quartic
55 - Quintic
66 - Sextic or Hextic
77 - Septic (!) or Heptic
88 - Octic
99 - Nonic
1010 - Decic
The given polynomial consists of two terms, so it is called a binomial.
Here are the names given to expressions consisting of
11 - Monomial
22 - Binomial
33 - Trinomial
44 - Quadrinomial