How did West Africa's geography help the region to develop a strong trans-Saharan trade system?
1 Answer
Actually the West Africa geography worked against the trans-Saharan trade.
West Afica had the advantage of being the closest geographically to the Sahara desert, and the wealthy Islamic Empires to the north.
How ever the Sahara desert was a significant barrier to travel and trade. Caravans crossing the desert could easily get lost in the drifting, unmarked sands of the desert. Getting lost and missing one of the few sources of water oasis could mean the death of the entire caravan. The desert crossing was long and difficult.
When the caravan reached West Africa the jungles and dense vegetation of West Africa presented another challenge to the trans Saharan trade.
The Niger River provided a highway across West Africa .The the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai( until Songhai was destroyed by the Islamic Empire of Morocco ) exploded the NIger River to facilitate trade within West Africa.