Question #13606

1 Answer
Feb 14, 2018

The conversion from radians to degrees is #2\pi# radians = 360 degrees. But first, we need inverse Sine


First, we need the inverse Sine to convert that value to radians. You could also go directly to degrees, but I'm going to guess that you're using radians. If not, skip this next step

Then, we know there are 360 degrees in a circle. We also know that if the radius is 1, the circumference of the circle is #C=2\pi#. So, that means the two are equal.

So, you can use a proportion such as:


in your case, #frac{180degrees}{\piradians}=frac{xdegrees}{0.5864radians}#

Cross multiply and solve:

#frac{0.5864*180}{\piradians}=33.60 degrees#

Then, since there are 60 minutes in each degree, .60*60=36'

so, 36 degrees 36 minutes