What does the plant need in order to make its own food?

2 Answers
Feb 16, 2018

Chlorophyll is green pigment that entraps solar energy which is necessary for the synthesis of food by plants during photosynthesis, by using carbon dioxide and water.


Plants synthesize their own food from simple substances like carbon dioxide and water in presence of light during photosyntheis.

The plants need energy for the synthesis of food that is obtained from sunlight. The solar energy is entrapped by green pigment chlorophyll, present in chloroplasts. Solar energy is converted into chemical energy to be used in photosynthesis.

Thus only green plants, which contain chlorophyll pigment, can synthesize their own food from simple substances like carbon dioxide and water. Such plants are termed autotrophs.

Chlorophyll is thus most important for the synthesis of food by plants.

Feb 16, 2018

Chlorophyll, sunlight, and raw materials


Plants need chlorophyll to make their own food. They also need light, and this is most present in the form of sunlight. To see if a plant has chlorophyll, check to see if it is green, and if it is, then it is likely to have chlorophyll and chloroplasts in its structure.

Other factors include carbon dioxide #(CO_2)# and water #(H_2O)#. When all of the four factors are present, the plant will be able to make its own food, using a process called photosynthesis.

The general chemical equation for photosynthesis is:


As you can see here, glucose #C_6H_12O_6# is produced and also oxygen #(O_2)#.