For the overall reaction given below at #25^@"C"#, if a saturated solution has formed, then if #["I"^-]_i = "0.500 M"# and the concentration has increased of the products by #1.33 xx 10^(-3) "M"# to reach equilibrium, what is #["I"_3^(-)]# at equilibrium?

#"I"_2(aq) + "I"^(-)(aq) -> "I"_3^(-)(aq)#

#E_(red)^@ = "0.5355 V"# for reduction of #"I"_2(aq)# to #"I"^(-)(aq)#.
#E_(red)^@ = "0.5365 V"# for reduction of #"I"_3^(-)(aq)# to #"I"^(-)(aq)#.

1 Answer
Feb 17, 2018

I got #["I"_3^(-)] = 6.17 xx 10^(-4) "M"#.

Since we're looking at a saturated solution, we're in an equilibrium condition such that

#DeltaG = -nFE_(cell) = 0#


#DeltaG^@ = -nFE_(cell)^@ ne 0#,


  • #DeltaG# is the change in Gibbs' free energy for the process.
  • #n# is the mols of electrons per mols of reactants.
  • #F = "96485 C/mol e"^(-)# is Faraday's constant.
  • #E_(cell)^@# is the cell potential at standard conditions (#25^@ "C"# and #"1 atm"#).

The first #E_(red)^@# is for the reaction

#"I"_2(aq) + 2e^(-) rightleftharpoons 2"I"^(-)(aq)#

and the second #E_(red)^@# is for the reaction

#"I"_3^(-)(aq) + 2e^(-) rightleftharpoons 3"I"^(-)(aq)#

We can verify that here on page 2-3. For the overall reaction, we then have:

#"I"_2(aq) + cancel(2e^(-)) rightleftharpoons cancel(2"I"^(-)(aq)),# #E_(red)^@ = "0.5355 V"#

#ul(cancel3"I"^(-)(aq) rightleftharpoons "I"_3^(-)(aq) + cancel(2e^(-))),# #E_(o x)^@ = -"0.5365 V"#
#"I"_2(aq) + "I"^(-)(aq) rightleftharpoons "I"_3^(-)(aq)#

This adds up as (where #E_(o x)^@ = -E_(red)^@#):

#E_(cell)^@ = E_(red)^@ + E_(o x)^@#

#= "0.5355 V" - "0.5365 V"#

#= -"0.0010 V"#

So apparently we're looking at the nonspontaneous direction at this temperature. We'd just find the upside-down equilibrium constant.

Anyways, it doesn't matter since we're just calculating an equilibrium concentration of this reaction.

#DeltaG_(rxn)^@ = -nFE_(cell)^@#

#= -("2 mol e"^(-)"/mol I")("96485 C/mol e"^(-))(-"0.0010 V")#

#= +"192.97 J/mol"#


#cancel(DeltaG_(rxn))^(0) = DeltaG_(rxn)^@ + RTlncancel(Q)^(K)#,

we know that #DeltaG_(rxn)^@ = -RTlnK#, and we find the equilibrium constant to be:

#K_c = e^(-DeltaG_(rxn)^@//RT)#

#= e^(-"192.97 J/mol"//("8.314472 J/mol"cdot"K" cdot "298.15 K"))#

#= 0.9251#

This mass action expression would then be:

#K_c = 0.9251 = (["I"_3^(-)]_(eq))/(["I"_2]_(eq)["I"^(-)]_(eq))#

#= (["I"_3^(-)]_(eq))/(1.33xx10^(-3) "M" cdot ("0.500 M" + 1.33xx10^(-3) "M"))#

I assumed you knew how to do ICE tables at this point.

We started with #"0 M"# #"I"_2(aq)#, so if we saturate the solution, then #Delta["I"_2(aq)] = 1.33 xx 10^(-3) "M"#, and with coefficients of #1# all the way across, #["I"^(-)]_(eq) = ["I"^(-)]_i + Delta["I"_2(aq)]#.

Therefore, at equilibrium,

#color(blue)(["I"_3^(-)]_(eq)) = 0.9251 cancel("M"^(-1)) cdot 1.33xx10^(-3) cancel"M" cdot (0.500 cancel"M" + 1.33xx10^(-3) cancel"M")#

#= color(blue)(6.17 xx 10^(-4) "M")#