What does the nervous system consist of?

1 Answer
Feb 18, 2018

Nerves, Neuroglia #&# Neurons.


Nervous system has been classified as:

  • Central nervous system#(CNS)#:
    It is part of nervous system which constitutes brain and spinal cord. Associative neurons or interneurons are present within brain and spinal cord. Neuroglia or glial cells e.g oligodendrocytes, astrocytes etc, are predominantly present in #"CNS"#. These give support neurons & keep them in their place.

  • Peripheral nervous system #(PNS)#:
    If we exclude brain & spinal cord then the other part of nervous system is #"PNS"#. It is composed of sensory neurons and motor neurones which form ganglia and nerves(thus don't exist as complete neurons). Ganglia are concentrations of cell bodies of neurons. Nerves are the bundles of axons or dendrites bounded by connective tissues.
    #"PNS"# also contain glial cells i.e schwann cells & satellite cells. These serve to insulate, support and protect nerve cells.

Hope it helps!