Is there any phenomenon in astrophysics which doesn't have an explanation?

1 Answer
Feb 20, 2018

Black holes do not have a complete explanation.


In 1915 Karl Schwarzschild found the first exact solution to Albert Einstein's field equations of General Relativity. The equations had two singularities. The important one was at the Schwarzschild radius.


Where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the body and c is the speed of light.

This singularity predicts that if a body is compressed to a size smaller than its Schwarzschild radius is effectively separated from the rest of the universe and the singularity defines an event horizon from which not even light can escape.

This phenomenon was called a black hole. Black holes have never been observed. There are however huge energy sources which come from small massive objects which can only be black holes.

Our laws of physics break down when trying to describe a black hole. We do not know what the inside of one looks like and it may not be possible to find out.

So, black holes can't be described using the laws of physics as we know them.