What is 14/126 simplified if it can be simplified?

3 Answers
Feb 23, 2018

Yes.. it can be simplified


Both the numerator and the denominator are divisible by 2... if you think that 14 would be a big number.... just think #126+14=140#
#140/14=10# #therefore126/14=1/9#
You get it... #1/9#

Feb 23, 2018




Feb 23, 2018



First of all notice that both 14 and 126 are even numbers so we can at start by #-: 2# as a first step.

For multiply and divide, what you do to the top of a fraction you do to the bottom.

#(14-:2)/(126-:2) = 7/63#

Can we divide 7 into 63? Note that #10 xx7=70# which is greater than 63 but close to it. lets try #9xx7 =(10xx7)-7=63# so we have
