Changing word equations into formulas and balancing them?

Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reaction. Phases are optional.
1. Solid calcium chlorate decomposes to form solid calcium chloride and oxygen gas.
2. The reaction of zinc metal and hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen gas and zinc chloride.

Change these word equations into formula equations and balance them. Be sure to use the proper symbols to indicate the state of each substance as given. Do not add conditions above the arrow.
(a) Magnesium metal is placed into hydrobromic acid solution, forming hydrogen gas and aqueous magnesium bromide.
(b) When heated, solid calcium chlorate decomposes into calcium chloride solid, releasing oxygen gas.
(c) Solutions of barium bromide and sodium phosphate combine to form solid barium phosphate and aqueous sodium bromide.
(d) Solutions of silver nitrate and aluminum iodide are mixed together, forming solid silver iodide and aqueous aluminum nitrate

1 Answer
Feb 25, 2018

See below


#underbrace( "Ca"("ClO"_3"")_2"(s)")_color(red)("reactants") -> underbrace("CaCl"_2"(s)" + "3O"_2"(g)")_color(red)("products"#

#underbrace("Zn(s)" + "2HCl""(aq)")_color(red)("reactants") -> underbrace("ZnCl"_2"(aq)" + "H"_2"(g)")_color(red)("products"#

#underbrace("Mg(s)" + "2HBr""(aq)")_color(red)("reactants") -> underbrace("MgBr"_2"(aq)" + "H"_2"(g)")_color(red)("products"#

#underbrace( "Ca"("ClO3")_2"(s)")_color(red)("reactants") -> underbrace("CaCl"_2"(s)" + "3O"_2"(g)")_color(red)("products"#

#underbrace("3BaBr"_2"(aq)" + "2Na"_3"PO"_4"""(aq)")_color(red)("reactants") -> underbrace(""Ba₃""("PO"_4"")_2"(s)" + ""6NaBr"(aq)")_color(red)("products"#

#underbrace( "3Ag"("NO"_3"")"(aq)+ "AlI_3""(aq)"")_color(red)("reactants") -> underbrace("3AgI""(s)" + "Al"("NO"_3"")_3"(aq)")_color(red)("products"#