How do I solve for initial velocity with the given data? ( Kinematics questions)

45 Degrees Angle
Height of Y = 1.025 M
Displacement of X = 1.397 M
Displacement of Y = 0 M
Acceleration of X = 0 m/s^2
Acceleration of Y = -9.8 m/s^2

I got 2.8 for my initial velocity, but I don't know if it is right.

1 Answer
Feb 28, 2018

So,the above informations just depict a projectile motion,projected with velocity#u# at an angle #45^@# w.r.t horizontal,so,vertically it went upto a maximum height(#1.025m#) and then came down,so displacement (#Y#) is zero,and its range of motion is #1.397m#

So,we can write,

#1.379= u cos 45 *T# (using, #s=vT# for horizontal motion, where, #T# is the total time of flight)

Now,total time of flight for a projectile motion is twice the tie required to reach the highest point,

So, using #v=u - g t# we can write, #0=u sin 45 -g t#(as,at highest point vertical component of velocity =#0#)

So, #T =2t = (2u sin 45)/g#

So, #u cos 45 = (1.397g)/(2u sin 45)#

And,using #v^2=u^2 -2g H# we get, #0^2 =(u sin 45)^2 - 2g1.025#

So, #u^2 sin ^2 45 = 2.05g# or, #u sin 45 =4.47#

So,# u cos 45 =1.53# (putting the value of # u sin 45# in the previous equation)

So, #u^2 sin^2 45 + u^2 cos ^2 45 = u^2 =(2.05g) +(1.53)^2#

or, #u=4.738 ms^1#