The cost for 2 adults and 5 children to eat at a local buffet restaurant is $46.50. The cost for 1 adult and 1 child is $15. What is the cost of a child's meal?

1 Answer
Mar 1, 2018

$5.50 per child, $9.50 per adult.


We have several pieces of information, but not given "directly" enough to solve the problem in one step. Meaning we need to manipulate our equation a little to solve for our unknowns.

For any equation, you can only have one unknown variable to be able to solve it. In this case, we have two - the price for adult's meal, and the price of the child's meal. We need to rewrite our equation so it only has one unknown.

Let's call A the cost of an adult meal and C the cost of a child meal.

We know from the given information that


Also, we know that


Do you see how we have two variables?

Let's solve the first equation for "C"

We simply subtract A from both sides,


We now have a value for the variable C! Let's plug that into the other equation!


Now there is only one variable, A!

Solve for A here by distributing first, then combining like terms, ultimately isolating the variable,


This the cost of one adult meal. But we are asked to find the child's meal. No problem. Just plug 9.50 into the first equation, and solve for C.


Hope this helped.