The first step is to make sure that all the decimals have the same number of places, so in this case, #3#, since that is the highest number of places. Because #0.47# is only two decimal places, you must now add a #0# to make it #0.470#.
Now, you are left with the decimals #0.476, 0.486, and 0.470#. Normally, you would look at the tenths place to see what is the smallest and what is the greatest, but since the tenths place of all the decimals is #4#, you have to look at the hundredths place.
Since #7# comes before #8#, you know that #0.476# and #0.470# are smaller than #4.86#. But since their tenths place is the same, you must move onto the thousanths place of #0.476# and #0.470#.
Because #0# is before #6#, you now know the order of these decimals.
#0.47, 0.476, 0.486#