Game stop is having a 35% off sale on all their video games.If a game is originally $40.00, how much will it be during the sale?

1 Answer
Mar 15, 2018

During the sale, the game will cost $26.00


The first step in solving this equation is converting your percentange into a decimal. You do this by taking your percentage and dividing it by 100.

35 #-:# 100 = 0.35

Second, after you've found your percentage you need to multiple your original price by the percentage converted into a decimal to find the discount amount.

$40.00 #xx# 0.35 = $14.00

Finally, you subtract the discount from the original amount to determine how much you will pay.

$40.00 - $14.00 = $26.00

So, with a 35% off discount, a game that costs $40.00 will cost $26.00 after the discount is applied.