#x^7+x^5 = 81# ?

1 Answer
Mar 18, 2018

This septic equation has exactly one real root:

#x ~~ 1.80302#



#x^7+x^5 = 81#

Subtract #81# from both sides to get into standard form:

#x^7+x^5-81 = 0#

By the rational roots theorem, any rational roots of this septic equation are expressible in the form #p/q# for integers #p, q# with #p# a divisor of the constant term #81# and #q# a divisor of the coefficient #1# of the leading term.

That means that the only possible rational roots are:

#+-1, +-3, +-9, +-27, +-81#

Note that the signs of the coefficients are in the pattern #+ + -#. With one change of sign, Descartes' Rule of Signs tells us that this equation has exactly #1# positive real root.

Reversing the signs on the terms of odd degree, we get the pattern #- - -#. With no changes of sign, Descartes' Rule of Signs tells us that this equation has no negative real zeros.

We find:

#(color(blue)(1))^7+(color(blue)(1))^5-81 = 1+1-81 = -79 < 0#

#(color(blue)(3))^7+(color(blue)(3))^5-81 = 2187+243-81 = 2349 > 0#

So the equation has no rational roots. It has exactly one positive irrational real root in #(1, 3)# and three complex conjugate pairs of non-real roots.

In common with most polynomials of degree #5# or more, the roots are not expresible in terms of #n#th roots (i.e. square root, cube root, etc.).

About the best we can do is find numerical approximations such as:

#x ~~ 1.80302#

graph{x^7+x^5-81 [-5, 5, -1000, 1000]}

To find approximations to the real root, you would probably use Newton's method. To get all #7# roots the Durand-Kerner method would be more useful as it finds all #7# roots at once.

For Newton's method, define:

#f(x) = x^7+x^5-81#


#f'(x) = 7x^6+5x^4#

Given an approximation #a_i# to a zero of #f(x)#, a better approximation is given by:

#a_(i+1) = a_i - (f(a_i))/(f'(a_i)) = a_i - (a_i^7+a_i^5-81)/(7a_i^6+5a_i^4)#

Putting this formula into a spreadsheet and setting #a_0 = 2#, we find:

#a_0 = 2#

#a_1 ~~ 1.85037878787879#

#a_2 ~~ 1.80631325284238#

#a_3 ~~ 1.80303898643730#

#a_4 ~~ 1.80302212305041#

#a_5 ~~ 1.80302212260564#

#a_6 ~~ 1.80302212260564#