Please help! Romeo and Juliet? Please Help

PROMPT: Think about the isolation Juliet feels as—alone in her room—she prepares to take the sleeping potion. Identify FOUR people Juliet has depended on for love, advice, or help, and explain why she cannot turn to them now.

Why do you think Shakespeare chose to deliver this as a soliloquy? What mood does this sense of loneliness create for the reader/audience? What words or images stand out to you as powerful or striking?

Use one of the following metacognitive sentences starters AT LEAST ONCE in your writing:

The big idea here is…
The question I have…
3. This is interesting because…

1 Answer
Mar 30, 2018

See Below


4 people that she depended upon are The Nurse, her Parents, and Romeo.

The Nurse is powerless Juliet says this: Nurse!- what should she do here? Act IV, scene iii, line 18.

Juliet's mother and father have arranged the marriage to Paris and Juliet has lied to them about agreeing to it.(scene ii)

Romeo has been exiled and cannot be contacted readily.

The soliloquy form is a solo speech. She is in her room alone. She has sent everyone away..

images: " cold fear thrills through my veins that almost freezes up the heat of life" (she talks about her fear)

Where bloody Tybalt, yet but green in the earth, lies fest'ring in his shroud; (an image of recent death)

also lines 45 through 49 she is afraid of being driven mad upon wakening because of her terrors.