Grams/Moles Calculations?

Find the number of moles.

16g of #H_3PO_4#

What do i do? I found the mass of the compound, which is 97.994

What do i do next?

1 Answer
Apr 4, 2018

#"0.163 mol"#


#"97.994 g/mol"# is the molar mass of #"H"_3"PO"_4#. It is mass of #"1 mol"# of #"H"_3"PO"_4#.

#"1 mol H"_3"PO"_4 = "97.994 g"#

#1 = ("1 mol H"_3"PO"_4) / "97.994 g"#

Multiplying a number with #color(red)(("1 mol H"_3"PO"_4) / "97.994 g")# is equivalent to multiplying it with #1#.


#"16 g H"_3"PO"_4 = 16 cancel("g H"_3"PO"_4) xx ("1 mol H"_3"PO"_4)/(97.994 cancel("g H"_3"PO"_4)) = "0.163 mol H"_3"PO"_4#