How to find postfix of this equation 5+2/[3*{6+2+(5-3/2)-5}+2]-1*5 step by step?

1 Answer
Apr 6, 2018

5 enter 2 enter 3 enter 6 enter 2 + 5 enter 3 enter 2 / - + 5 - * 2 + / + 1 enter 5 * -



The question asks for Postfix. I know this as Reverse Polish Notation which places entered results in a memory STACK. Provided that this memory stack has room for at least 6 elements, you can write this expression as

5 enter 2 enter 3 enter 6 enter 2 + 5 enter 3 enter 2 / - + 5 - * 2 + / + 1 enter 5 * -

But be careful! If you use a standard RPN calculator for this with only 4 stack elements, you will get the wrong answer!

This should simplify to #4/43#.











