Let a_n be a sequence given by: {1, 6, 15, 28, 45,66,..., f(n)}. Show that the generating function f(n) is of the form an^2 + bn + c. Find the formula by computing the coefficients a, b, c?

1 Answer
Apr 9, 2018

:. P_n^6 = 2n^2-n


Take the given sequence find the difference between consecutive numbers:
P_n = {1,6,15,28,45,66, 91,120,cdots}
Step 1 rArr Layer 1
{1,5,9,13,17,21, cdots}
Step 2 rArr Layer 2 , Do it again
{4, 4, 4, 4, 4,cdots}
Taking the difference is in discrete math is the same as taking the derivative (i.e. slope). took two subtraction (two layers) before we reached a comstant number 4, that means the sequence is polynomial growth.
Give that I asert that: P_n = an^2+bn+c
All I have to do now find the value of a, b and c
To solve for a,b and c I use the first 3 entry of the sequence setting n = {1,2,3}

Eq.1 rArrP_1 = a+b+c = 1
Eq.2 rArrP_2 = 4a+2b+c = 6
Eq.3 rArrP_3 = 9a+3b+c = 15
[[1,1,1], [4,2,1], [9,3,1]]xx[[a],[b],[c]] = [[1],[6],[15]]

Solving a, b, c using any matrix calculator on the internet:
[[a],[b],[c]] = [[2],[-1],[0]]
:. P_n^6 = 2n^2-n

Check: P_1^6 = 1; P_2^6 = 6; P_3^6 = 15; checks out

PS: You can also use python, I used python simply... It is cool